Before beginning any exercise routine, you should do some warm-up exercises. This is usually done by performing stretching exercises, which helps prepare the body for more rigorous activity. Here are some of the benefits of stretching.

1. Gives Your Body More Range of Movement
If we are consistently doing the stretching exercises, the length of the muscles and tendons will increase. This helps expand the range of your movement. Therefore, the limbs and joints will be able to move more freely.

2. Increases Your Ability to Perform Skills
When you have a wide range of movement, you will find yourself able to do more things. For example, you can jump high without feeling any pain when you come back down on the floor.

3. Helps to Prevent Injury
By stretching, you can help prevent injury to joints, tendons and muscles. When the muscles and tendons are well flexed, they are considered to be in good working order. The muscles of the body will be able to take on more exhausting and rigorous movements, with less probability of being injured. It will also promote faster recovery from injuries (should they occur), and you’ll have fewer sore muscles.

4. Helps to Reduce Muscle Tension
If you perform regular stretching exercises, it is less likely the muscles will constrict. This will definitely relieve you of any muscle pain or problems.

5. More Energy
By stretching, you’ll not only be able to move more freely, you will also have more energy. Stretching will also help enhance your mood.
Many people find it improves their overall confidence and well-being which makes you ready to tackle more things knowing your body is capable of handling it.

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